Intervening decades i would, the turning point science society and the rising culture is a 19 book by fritjof capra written to examine perceived scientific and economic crises through the perspectives of systems theory, the turning point by fritjof capra technics and civilization by lewis mumford the structure ofThe Turning Point Science, Society, and the Rising Culture /Fritjof Capra Fritjof Capra Simon and Schuster, C19 (19) Abstract This article has no associated abstract (fix it) Keywords Science Physics Categories Sociology of Science in General Philosophy of ScienceTHE TURNING POINT Science, Society and the Rising Culture by Fritjof Capra ‧ RELEASE DATE With depressing predictability, physicistcumholistic transcendentalist Fritjof Capra trots out the nowcanonical indictment of Western society CartesianNewtonian reductionism is the root of all evil, be it political, medical, social Books Fritjof Capra The turning point science society and the rising culture is a 1982 book by frit...